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How we got to enjoy Chinese

One used to “jiak gan tang”. One grew up in a dialect speaking family. One could have become a “banana”. One preferred English to Chinese books.  How did such a family get to enjoy Chinese? | fun chinese word games

How did a family - which didn't seem to favour Chinese - end up enjoying Chinese?

I’ll be sharing stories about our Chinese journeys in upcoming posts. Do stay tuned.

In the meantime, check out My family's Chinese journey to see what we got to enjoy.

For the uninitiated,

  • "jiak gan tang" is a Hokkien dialect term for “eat potato”; used to describe a Singaporean Chinese who is more westernised and cannot speak Mandarin well

  • "banana" - yellow outside, white inside - refers to someone who "jiak gan tang"

  • "我在屋企讲广东话" is a Cantonese phrase meaning "I speak Cantonese at home ".




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